Sneak Peak : The SupLuv and Skin Stuff

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so its about time I started leaking out information about the project/business/service I will soon be launching . I’ve been hesitant to do so as i suffer from the dreaded Fear-Of-Failure Syndrome that can be all too crippling , I’m in Los Angeles currently and i’m surprised I’ve not come across some kind of medicated tincture to alleviate said syndrome .. considering they have every pill under the sun , i attribute my inability to locate said pill as sheer laziness and post jet lag eye-blurs .

So What Is This Project?


its a company/ service called THE SUPLUV .. because its all products to supplement your life ! get it get it?!?


the site has ready-to-purchase “BUNDLES ”  of curated health and wellness products for specific health purposes . smart huh ? it eliminates the hours  trawling through health food shelves as well as researching the best brands as well as the root cause of the issue .

CASE IN POINT : The Skintervention Bundle


This little bag is full of all the things and information needed for those suffering the dreaded acne /break out / confusing skin issues .

so  often people scrub skin with chemical peels, or the Voldermort of skin care products (pro pro.. active.. no don’t say it ) or are even medicated with such heavy duty perscriptions before even attempting to find the root cause .

The Skintervention Bundle I curated  targets and address issue of the gut-acne axis and the role of good bacteria and the health of someones skin , as well as the chemical affects of skin products , nutrition , the role of detox and acne and a little damage control tips and tricks .

the products are all researched , tested and clean .. and are i believe to be the best in the world .. no seriously . yep


along with the bundle you will receive a GUIDE TO .. which details whats inside , why its inside , as well as all the information you need about EVERYTHING i could think of , and similarly a list of references and reading materials to read up on in order to heal yourself!


so thats that , i won’t try to sell them to you .. because i honestly don’t have that used-car-seller gene in my body . but i love doing this and have had so much fun working with all the brands and formulated bundles that are really going to help people look and  feel better but most importantly have the information they need to help themselves .

and now i shall retreat to my cave of fear .. thats a dig for compliments people .. send letters .. love letters .. alphabet letters , alphabet soup. and END


Gwyneth Paltrow Is Not A Witch Doctor .. Everyone needs to calm down

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So Gwyneth Paltrow brought out a book called “Its All Good” and it seems it isn’t .

because of the health advice she advocates .. like keeping away from processed foods , green juices and home cooking .. she is now officially a Witch Doctor who is Fritzl-ling her children and forcing kale down their throats whilst swatting them with a Rain Stick ..

5 Reasons Why Gwyneth Paltrow Is In Fact Not A Witch Doctor :



She is a walking product of her healthy diet .. and seriously WTF she looks incredible ..its undeniable .. have you seen her legs?


Yes she founded and is the editor of a site called GOOP which has been branded ” elitist and expensive” … news flash living healthy is actually expensive …yes (sowwy) .. however Gwyneth not being a member of the agricultural board or involved in the pricing of organic foods is not actually to blame .. SHUT.THE.FRONT.DOOR!


when did wanting your children to eat healthy become child abuse? am i missing something ? Isn’t it the other way around .. wait .. WHAT?!



SHE F*CKING LISTENS TO RAP ! everyones all like aghhh she’s mistreating her children !!! mistreating .. mistreating . She’s teaching them SWAG people .. and you know she’s bumpin’ and grindin’ around her kitchen as she bakes her gluten free /dairy free/organic fish fingers whilst hollering “WHAT SHE ORDER? FISH FILET”


5.she actually has some tips that have scientific backing and don’t revolve around faddy celebrity diets .. she actually enjoys natural approaches to well being as seen BELOW

(the Colloidal Silver trick she shares my mum has done for years.. someone please put me in touch with a counsellor .. apparently I was abused and raised by a voodoo loving mentalist )